Run | Plan | Squirrel!
We all want to be the badass that does it all. How do we get there? How do we fit everything in? I hate to break it to you, but we can’t do it all. Seriously. I wish we could! I would have so much more content for you. You’d get printables and blogs weekly to help you achieve your wildest dreams. Instead, I’m just like you, struggling to balance what I want to do, what I have to do, and everything else the world throws at me.
But… since we are badasses, we are gonna work on getting what we can done. How? We are gonna plan and organize our lives! And drink some coffee. Or a lot of coffee. However much you need!
Runs on Espresso will be your one-stop shop for planning, organizing, and everything else we do. We are gonna make sure we have time for our physical and mental health. We are going to learn how we need to prioritize, and how we can make a plan that works for our life.
You are going to go from overwhelmed to organized.
Your planning system might look different from mine, and that’s okay. We all take what works for us and figure it out. I’m here to help guide you, give suggestions, and get you on your path!
And just who is the person behind Runs on Espresso?
I’m Jenna, and I’ve always been a planner and what some have called hyper-organized. It turns out I have ADHD and use planning and organization as a way to keep everything in my life running. Because if it’s not written down, I will not remember it.
My planner, notebooks, and sticky notes are my second brain.
I am also very organized because I need to know where everything is, or I forget about it. My keys, purse, important papers, etc all have their home. If something is not in its home, I will tear the house apart looking for it. I use a lot of desktop organizers because things in drawers or closets become forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind is very much true for me.
As a very young child, I started dance classes. The story I’ve been told is that I had a lot of energy and was also kinda clumsy (possibly due to undiagnosed ADHD?). Dance would help me burn some energy and become more graceful. It did, but only while dancing. I am still not graceful. And I run into a lot of tables and doorways. Mysterious bruises often appear because I don’t recall running into the coffee table.
Dance classes lasted through college, and I needed to find another outlet for all the energy I had. I decided running, despite hating running, was the way to go. I don’t know why I thought doing something I hated was the way to go. I also joined a gym to keep some weight training going after high school.
The running and gym memberships were off and on until 2012. In 2012, I decided to run an actual race. My first 5k. After that… I was hooked and could not stop. I was soon running all the races! I did some half-marathons. I attempted the marathon about seven times until I finally completed the virtual Boston in October 2021. I also got into trail running; that is where my heart truly lies, even though I do not get out there nearly enough.
Food is a huge part of my life, for my mental and physical health. In 2015, I was diagnosed with celiac disease, and it explained a lot about my health from high school until then. Once I stopped eating gluten, most of my symptoms cleared up. It can be difficult sometimes as our society revolves a lot around food, and many people don’t know much about celiac disease or what gluten is. I’ve found we are the ones that need to advocate for our health.
Other things I love? Traveling, reading, and art. I love drawing and painting, even if I’m not good at them! They help me relax and give me another creative outlet. I enjoy watching sports, especially hockey. And lately, I have gotten into the WNBA. I went to a game in person and love it! It’s more fun than the NBA. I love watching TV in the evenings to unwind after work.
Interested in learning more about Planning? Start here.
Interested in learning more about Running? Start here.
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