I decided to participate in the Wego Health Activists Writers Month Challenge (HAWMC) this year. I had never heard of it when I signed up on a whim. When I got the prompts by email it became obvious that this was geared toward people with a chronic condition, not those trying to lose weight and become healthy. Although I have asthma, I don’t want to focus on that. I am not going to be able to do all the days, as some do not apply but I will do my best and forget the rest! (A little P90X humor there).
Today’s prompt is getting started (hence the clever title post) and we were asked two questions. One I answered above and the other is why do you write?
I write because I enjoy the outlet. Writing helps me see where I’ve been, where I want to go and what I need to do to succeed. I specifically write about my weight loss and fitness journey because I am hoping to connect with others on the same path, learn something new about myself or inspire just one person to make the change for the better.
I gained a lot of weight and reached my highest weight after getting into a long-term relationship. I stopped going to the gym because mine closed. I started eating out more often. One day I realized I was bursting out of my bigger size 12 clothes and knew I had to make the change. I didn’t want to buy larger clothing. I wanted to take up running again. So I did.
I joined my fitness pal and started tracking my food. I bought a scale and tape measure. I started running. I have since added P90X and body weight exercises to my running. I have run many 5 and 8 Ks. I feel stranger and have had to add many of those clothes I was bursting out of to the donation pile. I still have a way to go with my weight loss and fitness goals.
I am currently training for a 10K and after that will be a half marathon. I also want to work on my speed. I run but I’m slow. I am starting to get a workout schedule established and working towards eating more whole foods.
Tell Me: Do you blog about your weight loss, health and fitness goals? If so, why? What health related goal do you want to reach this year? What are you must interested in learning about in relation to weight loss, health and/or fitness?