It is a little funny that today’s prompt, Day of Rest, falls on my actual rest day from workouts. Although the prompt is talking more about relaxing to relieve stress and my workouts help relieve stress so not exactly the same thing. 😉

Today’s Prompt:

Kick your feet up! What is your ideal day in? When you are having a bad day, or a long week – how o you relax, recharge, and reset yourself?

Hmmmm…. First off I would sleep in. I get up at 5 am most days and rarely get the chance to really sleep in. Even when I try to sleep in I still naturally wake up early. I want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go (which just may not be how my body works because I can’t recall a time that has happened).

I would have a small breakfast, probably gluten-free waffles with nut butter and a banana with a glass of water and then head out the door for at least a 5 mile run in perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. A longer 10 miler would be perfect. 10 miles would allow me to come home and have a second breakfast, probably eggs, bacon and chocolate milk followed by Hawaiian coffee.

I would also do a quick recovery yoga video before breakfast to make sure my muscles are stretched and hips are opened. I don’t want to be sore the next day. I may also get a massage after breakfast or maybe a nap. It would depend how tired my run makes me.

The rest of the day would probably consist of watching a movie or catch up with tv shows on the dvr, like Criminal Minds (a favorite of mine that I could watch over and over). I would also read, either books or magazines (or both depending on how I felt). I might also work a bit on the blog or my photography business. Editing photos relaxes me and time flies when I am working on them.

I may also go out for dinner. If I am relaxing I do not want to cook dinner! I can’t really say where I would go since I am in a transition to gluten-free thanks to a recent celiac disease. I haven’t found all of the places that are safe for me. Maybe PF Changs or a steakhouse. Something a bit more fancy than the usual.

I might bake a dessert. I like baking and I find it far more relaxing than cooking dinner. Maybe because I do it when I want and don’t have to do it every day. I do need to find some new recipes and new flour(s) since my celiac disease diagnosis. I haven’t baked anything since my diagnosis. This is something I plan to change once I get some gluten-free flour.

I would probably end the evening cuddling on the couch with my man and our pups. We’d probably watch a movie or dvr shows.

Readers: What would be in your day of rest?


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.