We are six months into the year. How are your goals coming along? Be honest. It’s ok to have dropped the ball a bit (or a lot). We all get busy. The days turn into weeks and the next thing you know it’s July.
How to refresh your goals in five easy steps:
- Find the goals you set way back in January. I hope you wrote those down and remember where. Been there, done that before. It’s ok if you didn’t write them down. You probably have a general idea so go ahead and write them down now.
- Think if your goals are still relevant. It’s 100% ok if find a goal or two that is no longer relevant. It happens. Our priorities change within different seasons of your life. If a goal no longer fits, toss it.
- Find your why for the goals you still want to work on. Without a solid you want to achieve it, you will struggle to get it done. Your goal needs to be important to you.
- Come up with a new plan to achieve your goals. You fell off the wagon but nows the time to get up, dust yourself off, and get back on track. Write down your goal, your why, and steps to get it done.
- Put it on your calendar. Set up a goals notebook with your steps and when you will do them. Pick a day each week to sit down and plan your week. Each day, look over your plan and do whatever you had planned for that day.

Remember, there will be setbacks. We all have them. The important thing is how you respond. You miss a day or two? No worries! Pick up where you left off. You didn’t achieve a milestone? Don’t give up. Keep going!
What are your goals for this year? Are you going to take a moment to refresh them this month? How do you plan and track your goals?
Looking for a way to track your goals? Check out the or . Both have room to write out your goals, set up daily actionable steps, and a spot to review your progress.
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