How do you keep track of all your bills and when they are due?
A monthly budget calendar is a great way to see at a glance what bills you have coming up and what paychecks you will have to pay those bills. You do not have to buy a separate calendar for this but it does help to have one you can see quickly and at a glance. You can easily print out a calendar from Microsoft Word or google a monthly calendar. There are a ton of free options out there!
What should you put on your monthly budget calendar?
First, fill in your paydays. If you have a spouse I suggest using different colors for each person’s payday. For example, I use purple pen/highlighter for me and blue for my husband. It makes it really easy to see with a quick look when you will have money coming in each month.
Second, add your bills on their due dates. You may want to include the amount as well. I use black ink for bills because once they are paid I will highlight them with purple or blue highlighter, depending on whose paycheck covered the bill.
Finally, if you want, put any events that you may need to budget for. Do you have a birthday coming up that you need to buy a gift for? Maybe an event you need to purchase food or supplies? What about medical or dental appointments and co-pays? Having these on your calendar will give you a good idea of what you need to budget for and from which paycheck.
Now you have a monthly budget calendar and can easily see when you will have money coming in and going out. You can quickly see which paychecks will cover what bills and events. A monthly budget calendar is an easy way to stay on top of your expenses!