Hi everyone! My name is Jenna and I’m the runner and coffee drinker behind Runs on Espresso! I love being creative and listening to podcasts, so I thought, why not make one? So here it is.
Runs on Espresso podcast is a distance running podcast. Each week I’ll discuss my training and my path to getting back on the trails. My goal is to complete an ultramarathon. I’ll discuss any races (virtual or in person) I have coming up or challenges I will tackle.
I’ve been running off and on since 2004. In 2012 I did my first 5k, a Turkey Trot, and I was hooked. I’ve had difficulties with running, but I’ve been at it pretty consistently for the last few years. I’ve done races up to the half marathon distance and have signed up for several marathons but never got to the line. I’ve gotten close, but something always seems to come up. The first time I got a nasty sinus infection about a week before the marathon. I could barely function, let alone run. The last time? I broke my leg while hiking last summer. I’ve been trying to build distance ever since.
I have celiac disease and eat gluten-free. I’ll also talk about diet and nutrition. I gained a lot of weight when I initially went gluten-free and have struggled to get back to a weight that feels comfortable.
I also love a lot of other stuff, so at the end of each episode I’ll have a coffee corner where I just ramble about whatever is on my mind that week.
I look forward to sharing with you each week and would love to hear from you! Let me know what you want to hear more about.
Podcast is currently available on Anchor and Spotify. More coming soon!