I finally finished How Bad Do You Want It by Matt Fitzgerald. I really enjoyed this book. Fitzgerald builds a true story through each chapter to demonstrate the topic. He breaks up the story, so you have to keep reading to find out what happened in the race or event. The book also doesn’t get too technical or scientific, so it’s easy to read and understand. Five stars.

I read Locke & Key Volume 2-4 by Joe Hill. I didn’t feel volume two was as good as the first, but it definitely set up more of the story. It was still a great book but couldn’t stand on its own. I flew through it, wanting to know what happens next. Four stars. But 3 and 4? Knocked it out of the park! Five Stars. I would have also finished 5 & 6, but there’s a wait for 5 from the library!
I started The Keepers of the House by Shirley Ann Grau. So far, it is very slow-moving. I’m not sure if I will continue it. I’m about 13% in and not sure how I feel. This would be maybe the second book I DNF. I usually can find something to enjoy and still finish a book.