Quite a bit has happened since I said goodbye a few weeks ago. I’d love for you to grab a cup of coffee, settle in and catch up.

I finally got a job in my chosen field. It is still technically with my current employer but a different department. I love it so far. I feel so much more like myself. I have more energy. I get done at 4:30 instead of 5. I am slowly getting more and more responsibility. It sounds like eventually I will be doing everything (currently some tasks are taken care of by another department).

And with that being said… I am getting a new car in June/July. I told myself no new car until I got a job. I could get it now but the summer model will have 10 airbags (instead of 8) for the same price. Why not wait?

My new car, the 2013 Malibu Eco. I want it in this color or black.

I have also decided to join a gym. I want to start running and lifting weights again. I am going to check out LA Fitness. It is fairly close to the house/park and ride. It is also the least expensive; Lifetime is the other close gym. I also started playing my playstation move game The Fight. It’s not marketed as a workout game but my god! I was sweating, breathing heavy and my arms are like rubber now. I only did the intro moves, three fights and two training tasks. Wowzers. I also want to get the UFC trainer game for another workout idea.

I have read one of my books (a Dean Kontz novel) and one kindle book (the Help). Yes, I gave in and bought a kindle. I got a $50 amazon gift card and couldn’t resist. I am currently reading some magazines and then I will go back to another book, then a kindle book etc.

I have done a few sketches and set up my painting. Soon I will actually do more on the painting. I bought new brushes to help motivate me. I also have done some new things in town but nothing on my list so I guess you can say I have half worked on these goals.

I have not done anything with the backyard. I got a book of low water plants that I need to look at. The backyard seems like a huge undertaking. I have broken it down into smaller goals but still some of those are large projects. The first is to put in a drip system which is probably going to be the most work which might be why I am pushing it off. :


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.