Valentine’s Day was Sunday.
Normally, I do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. I am not a believer in the holiday but I think it’s important to show yourself some love.
We are all guilty of proclaiming what we hate about our body and/or ourselves. Myself included.
2016 is my year. I am working on myself and learning how to relax and let things go. Part of my stress relief is writing in my journal. As I was writing the other day I started writing about what I love about me. I think it is easy to lose what makes us special and amazing when life happens and we are bombarded with images of perfect people and/or perfect lives.
I am far from perfect.
But I do have a lot to love about myself.
- I love the shape that my face has settled into. It’s still round but it doesn’t seem as round and child-like as it did a few years ago. I love looking more my age.
- I am strong and independent. Yes, I am in a fantastic relationship but I am still a strong woman and depend on my man because I can, not because I have to. I love that I have my own time to do the things I love.
- My collarbones. I have always loved my collarbones. I especially love wearing tops/dresses that accentuate them. And I love the song Clavicle by Alkaline Trio because my favorite group sings about my favorite part of my body.
- I love learning. I have always been smart and I really do love learning. I read a lot of articles and books on subjects that interest me. I listen to podcasts as well, my current favorite is Stuff You Missed in History Class. It has introduced me to subjects I knew nothing about or reintroduced me to things I forgot about. I highly recommend it.
- My legs. They can carry me 13.1 miles and soon 26.2. I use them to run and lift weights. I can walk and climb stairs. Jump. The powered me through 20+ years of dance lessons.
Those are my top five. I am sure if I tried I could come up with a few more.