Edge of Series by Kyla Stone – Currently 6 books in the series. Book 7 comes out in April
An EMP hits the USA on Christmas Eve. The residents of a small town in Michigan have to fit for their survival in the brutal winter, without power. Will the town survive?

My thoughts:
I really like the concept of this book. I had never heard of an EMP but now I know if it ever happened I would not survive. Everything I own has computers in it. *runs off to build a faraday cage

This series is easy to read and I wanted to keep going. Each book ended on a cliffhanger. I grew to love some of the characters and despise others. I wanted to know what happened to each of them.

Some of the plot points I easily predicted but others surprised me. I liked how the books had alternating points of view. You got to see the same time from several character’s point of view. I also enjoyed that the author didn’t constantly refresh each character and what happened in the previous book. Sometimes authors rehash too much but this was like rehash light.

I felt like the story ended in book 5. Book 6 seems unnecessary to me but I will continue to read the series. I struggled through Book 6. It’s not poorly written. It’s not a bad storyline but I really felt the story ended with book 5.

The Home Edit and The Home Edit Life by Clea Shearer & Joann Teplin – 4 Stars
Ideas for organizing your home. With photos.

My thoughts:
There is nothing new here. But I liked the way the info was presented. The idea is to start small, pull everything out, sort, and then organize it. With containers. And labels. And a lot of rainbows. I also found their brand of humor to be similar to mine.

These books were quick, easy reads.

Of course, what they show is all fancy but you don’t have to get fancy. It inspired me to start sorting through some stuff I’ve been putting off. I also have been meaning to get some drawer organizers and something for under my sink. I will be scouring the internet. I’m definitely not a person who is going to dump their pasta into containers or organize their snacks by color but I got a lot of ideas and inspiration from the book. So much so I started reading their second book!

I also may have organized all my pens and highlighters by color. I’m not sure I will keep it like that. I do like having all the red pens and markers together but hate that all different styles and sizes are mixed. I’ll give it a try for a month or so and if I don’t like it I can easily reorganize it by type.

Categories: Books


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.