I love running. But sometimes I hate it. I can lose my momentum easily. I can misplace my motivation if not used daily. I struggle to motivate myself if I stop running for an extended period of time (usually a month or more).
Right now I have very little motivation. Or maybe I lack follow through. I want to run but I can’t bring myself to go. I got sick at the start of February and couldn’t shake the resulting cough for almost two months, which meant I couldn’t run. I am trying to get back into running. I have a schedule but I can’t stick to it every day. I do a few days and then I have an excuse.
I had a hard day at work.
I’m exhausted.
It’ll take to long to get ready, warm up etc…
It’s over 90 degrees already and I’m not ready for it.
I’m hungry so I’ll go later. (and never do)
I have to do X, Y and Z instead.
But what are some reasons I should run? Why aren’t these calling me more than the excuses? I love being outside, enjoying nature. I can get my head clear and not think for the duration of my run. Endorphin.
Logically the positives always outweigh the negatives yet the negatives seem to win out when I don’t have a routine or not training for a half marathon. Why is it easier not to go?
I just need to push myself out the door but some days that is much harder than it sounds.
What are your excuses for skipping a workout? How do you find the motivation to ignore the excuses and just do your workout?