I had taken a three-week break from running. That was a mistake but I started running again on 12/30 because I had to get the lungs ready for my race on Sunday the 6th.

I got in a few 5Ks and two 1.5 mile runs before the Resolution Run. I was feeling ok but not great heading into Sunday.

The race was the smallest I had attended. Even though I didn’t really talk to anyone (except someone I already knew), it felt like a community. Everyone stayed after for the raffle and medal portion. There were people of all ages. I enjoyed it so much I am thinking of doing their Chinese New Years Run & “Wok”. hehe

The course was not flat, surprising in Phoenix. I was glad that I do the small inclines in my neighborhood parks. Of course they put the hills at the end of the course but I just kept pushing.

This was my worse race time. I guess you can’t PR them all. 😉 I finished in a little over 34 minutes with about an 11 minute pace. I actually am not sure how accurate it was as I did not see a timing mat at the start, just the end. If they did it by start gun time then I would actually be under 34 because I didn’t get across the start line for a few seconds. Also, because there were no corrals, I didn’t even get to start running right away. I spent probably the first half mile weaving around walkers. It was kind of out and back course so the drink stand was set up between mile 1 & 2 but it was on the out and back, almost right at the start. So I also had to battle people stopping for a drink after, maybe, a half mile. Even I didn’t need a drink that early!

Small and locally organized so I won’t fault them too much.

BUT.. the really exciting part! I was 4th in my age group! That means if one of the three people in from of me hadn’t run, I would have gotten a medal! I am really excited and proud of this. This will probably be the closest I ever get. I was still 10 minutes behind 3rd place and there were only 10 people in my age group but still! Let me have my small victories.

Here is to 2013 and running. Victories small and large. There really is no place to go but up from here!

What achievement are you are proud of? What are you looking forward to in 2013?


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.