I have taken my training to the outdoors recently. I want to run 5ks and eventually half marathons (I don’t think I could ever run a full marathon) and to do so, I need to get used to running outdoors again.

It’s October and I am already worried about what I am going to do come summer. I am at a loss. In Phoenix you have to either go early in the morning or way late at night. You are luck if it gets in the 90s overnight during the summer. I get overheated easily when working out so this is a huge concern for me. I get up at 5 to get to work on time. I don’t want to get up any earlier (plus if I get ready for a run, the dogs will go nuts, wanting to go with me, thus waking the boyfriend). Good thing I have until maybe April/May to figure this out!

While running outside I have discovered a few items that would make my running easier. I am open to suggestions on these items and will be doing research on which items might be the best for me before I buy any of them.

  • Water bottle – I currently run holding a 16 oz bottle. It gets uncomfortable. It’s not meant to be a running water bottle. Even though I go short distance, I need water. My throat becomes terrible dry. I am trying to work at weaning myself down/off but I don’t think I will ever be able to run completely water free.
  • I need something to hold my cell phone or a nike+ watch. I currently use the nike+ app on my phone to track my runs. I’d like to continue using this. I am thinking a belt for the phone would be the least pricey option. I already have an arm band for my ipod so I don’t want an arm band on the other side for the phone. I’d look like a total dweeb. 😉
  • Sunglasses. The sun is bright. I’ve tried just a pair I have around and they slide down and aren’t super good at blocking the sun. I also tried a visor but it makes my head too hot.
  • Headband. I have a goody elastic-ish one I use currently. It’s thin so some of my shorter strands get in my face. It also doesn’t stay put. Yesterday in my 37:30 run it fell out twice. I stopped once to put it back on. The other time I just wrapped it around my wrist while still moving. I am also thinking one that is meant to soak up sweat might be good.
  • Foam roller. I really need this to work out my calves and hips. So tight. I stretch before and after I run but they are always TIGHT.

So if anyone has any suggestions that has worked for them, please let me know. Or if you tried something and thought it sucked, let me know that too!


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.


Susie · October 28, 2012 at 10:23 am

I follow you on twitter and just read your blog. First let me say I’m no expert so what I am suggesting is just that – suggestions. I know some things that work for me doesn’t work for everyone. I have completed 2 1/2 marathons, 2 marathons and several 5k and 10ks. I have taken time off and just today made my new 1/2 marathon training schedule for February.

I use a belt with a spot for my water bottle and it has a pocket for my phone, whistle, Gu and house key. Always run with water! It is necessary no matter the distance! I have also used a hand held water bottle strap. It also has a pocket – just smaller. I got mine at Sports Chalet. I found a great pair of sunglasses that do stay put while I run and they block the sun but aren’t so dark I can still see at dusk. If you would like the name I can forward that to you. I found them at the Rock and Roll Marathon Expo. I don’t use a head band but have used a wrist band to wipe my face. I have used a foam roller and man it hurts!! It does great to get the knots out. I have never been a good stretcher.

I hope this helps you! Running is quite addicting. Just mke sure not to do too much too fast. That’s when runners see injuries.



heelaholic · October 28, 2012 at 5:07 pm

Wow, thank you for your great input! I would be interested in the sunglasses brand when you have a moment. They sound like they would be pretty good for me.

Yah, I don’t understand people that don’t take water for shorter distance. I just can’t go without.

Dani Toth · October 31, 2012 at 9:47 am

I am one of those people that doesn’t run with water if the run is under 10km…but I also live in a place where it isn’t that hot out so maybe that’s what keeps my thirst at bay? For longer runs or hikes, water is a must for me.

For hairbands, I use the skinny one from Lululemon but find that to keep it secure I need to use 2 bobby pins or it will slowly creep off my head.

    heelaholic · November 1, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    I would guess the climate does have a lot to do with it. The air is so dry. It’s been forever but I don’t remember ever needing water on runs back home.

    I was thinking about Lululemon as I found it recommended on another site. I will have to look into those.

Backward & Forward « Her Life… most ordinary · December 31, 2012 at 4:28 pm

[…] joined a gym (and quit today, how ironic). I started running outdoors. I ran my first race (a 5K). I got a PR at my second […]

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