The last two weeks I have been slacking. I have barely done any running and strength training has been hit or miss. I need to get back on the horse, so to speak. Since I didn’t run this morning I read about it instead. It’s the same thing right? I plan to get back it at tomorrow. If you would rather read about running here is what I’ve been checking out lately:
I can totally relate to this, since I always start in this mindset: When starting a new training plan: “I’m never going to miss a single training run, no matter what.”
I keep reading this article because I am all signed up for my first marathon (January 2016) and am already freaking out about how, when and what to eat.
And because I am now gluten-free for life (thank you celiac disease) I am always looking for fuel. This slide show has 9 items for me to eat and not have to worry about gluten.
Tomorrow is weigh in day and I am a little worried about it. Last week I lost despite limited activity and eating what felt like a ton of extra calories. I did the same thing this week and have a feeling my luck has run out. I need to get back into my workout routine. It helps in so many ways besides just weight loss.
What have you been reading lately? What do you do to get back on track?