Growing up I was pretty lucky to have parents that instilled confidence in me from an early age. They encouraged me to follow my passions whether it was sports, art, or reading. I mostly ignored trends and school clicks. My parents always allowed me to be me.

My childhood was reasonably active. I’ve always liked being outside and exploring. I played sports and took dance classes. I started weight training in high school, even after I had already met my gym credit requirements. I took up running after I stopped dance classes. I ran off and on until 2012 when I became more focused on racing. I’ve belonged to multiple gyms over the years to run and lift (yes, at some point I liked the treadmill better than outdoors!).

But even with all that, I’ve still felt fat and ugly at times.

Usually, I’m pretty happy with myself. I know what my body is capable of and allows me to do the things I love like running far and lifting heavy-ish objects. But sometimes I fall into the trap. Sometimes I believe the media that says to be happy, healthy, and loved I need to be tall, thin, blonde, etc. etc., etc.

Back in high school, I used to think I was fat. I would compare myself to other dancers, at my studio and professionals. I wasn’t thin enough to be a professional ballerina, and I wasn’t tall enough to be a Rockette or cruise ship dancer. Looking back at photos and I realize I was never fat but rather average and healthy. It wasn’t my fault that the dance industry has ridiculous standards for being a professional (but that’s a whole other blog). Even now I know I’m not fat. I’m still pretty average and healthy. Can I do better? Of course, we can always do better. We will never be perfect (and that’s ok!).

Why am I telling you all this?

Because I’ve always had this pull to help women feel fit, healthy, and confident whatever way those words mean to them. We don’t all have the same ideals for those words, vision for ourselves, or even goals. I’m not 100% sure how to achieve this yet, but I thought I’d start by sharing my thoughts and story. I’ve always been interested in fitness and like reading/learning about it. Someday I want to be a running coach and/or personal trainer to help women reach their goals and feel confident in their skin.

For now, I’m going to focus on writing blog posts to address what I’ve learned and hope it can inspire others to find their confidence and start rocking who they are. I will also share resources that I’ve gotten something from or enjoyed. Maybe I’ll eventually share other women’s stories as well.

I’ve started my list of topics, but I’d love to hear your ideas! What do you want to read about here?

I’m not a doctor, trainer, nutritionist, or any other kind of professional. I’ve always had a passion and interest in health, fitness, diet, and wellness. I love to learn and want to share the knowledge I’ve gained to help others. As always, do your own research and consult with your doctor.


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.