Last month, we covered what celiac disease and gluten are and I mentioned there are many, many symptoms, more than 250 if you want a better idea of just how many there are. 

But what are the most common symptoms of celiac disease?

Don’t worry, I’m not going to only list the 250+ symptoms. OR AM I?! MUAHAHA Nah, I will stick to the most common. The symptoms and severity will vary from person to person. This can also make it difficult to diagnose celiac disease. On average it takes six to ten years for a diagnosis. For me, I started having issues in high school and was initially diagnosed with IBS. I thought that was the problem for years, approximately 15ish years. Once I found the right doctor it was only a matter of weeks, maybe a month to get the endoscopy scheduled.

The other problem is celiac disease can come on at any time. Some develop it and are diagnosed very young. I believe mine started in high school. I don’t recall the symptoms before that. The sooner you can be diagnosed and off gluten, the better for you and your future health. And your intestines can begin to heal!

Some common symptoms of celiac disease can include:

  • Anemia ✔️
  • Anxiety
  • Bloating or gas ✔️
  • Brain fog ✔️
  • Constipation ✔️
  • Delayed growth in children
  • Depression ✔️
  • Diarrhea ✔️
  • Discolored teeth
  • Fatigue/tiredness ✔️
  • Headaches or migraines ✔️
  • Infertility
  • Irritability ✔️
  • Itchy skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
  • Joint pain ✔️
  • Liver disease
  • Pale mouth sores
  • Poor weight gain
  • Thin bones
  • Tingling/numbness/neuropathy
  • Vomiting

✔️= symptoms I had

I also had anxiety but that continued after going gluten-free and was only helped after being diagnosed with ADHD and going on Adderall. So not everything is celiac disease. 😉

If you have undiagnosed celiac disease and are eating gluten your body may not be absorbing all your nutrients. Because of this and the higher risk of osteoporosis, I also had to have a bone density scan after my diagnosis. At age 34. Luckily, I was all good there! 

I was very deficient in vitamin B and had to take supplements until my intestines healed and my numbers came up.

Having these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have celiac disease. Other risk factors include a close family member with it (it is hereditary – you can have the gene and not have the disease), and other autoimmune diseases (especially type 1 diabetes).

If you suspect you may have celiac disease, do not stop eating gluten. Discuss it with your doctor, and get the blood test, and endoscopy. You cannot do those two things if you aren’t eating gluten. And you don’t wanna not eat gluten and then have to re-introduce it. 

It is important to get a formal diagnosis for many reasons like it may help family members get tested, it will help you adhere to the diet cuz you know you gotta be strict, there are resources available to you such as ADA and for children a 504 plan, and if there is ever a drug, you will most likely need a diagnosis to get it. Lastly, if you don’t have celiac disease and go gluten-free it can affect your health. Gluten-free foods are higher in fat and sugar. They can also be missing key nutrients. Going gluten-free really only benefits those that need to for a medical reason.

What else would you like to know about celiac disease or being gluten-free? Let me know in the comments!

Head over and be sure to subscribe on YouTube for the video version!

Categories: Gluten Free


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.