Every 6 months or so I start looking for new landscape or nature photographers to follow. I do a basic Google search and usually find several “top insert any number here landscape photographers to follow”. I would say almost 100% of the time those lists are all male photographers. Every now and again a list will have a female landscape photographer on it. One. 

During the pandemic, I took several online conferences which featured a variety of teachers and covered topics such as outdoors, travel, wildlife, and landscape. One of them had one female instructor out of eight. The others ranged from two to six. Percentage-wise the range was 12.5% to 31%. We couldn’t even get to 50% female instructors? I don’t want to knock these conferences. They were great and I learned a lot. I respect the instructors and think they are amazing photographers and teachers. I am only using it to demonstrate the imbalance in these genres.

I think many people associate women with wedding and portrait photography. When I first picked my camera back up I tried to do documentary portrait work in addition to landscape. As much as I enjoyed it, it wasn’t for me. My passion for landscape and nature photography is just too great. 

Female landscape, nature, and wildlife photographers are out there, we are not unicorns.

female landscape

During the pandemic, I started thinking about what can I do to help make female photographers in these types of genres more visible. I still haven’t figured out exactly what I’m going to do but if you see a problem and do nothing, you are part of the problem.

I know we’re out there and I know we can create just as amazing images as male photographers. If you search long enough and use the correct terms you can find a few groups of female landscape photographers. But you have to be searching specifically for female photographers of these genres or women landscape photographers. And really, this should not be the case. We shouldn’t have to search pages or enter female or woman fill-in-the-blank photographers. 

I’ve always been an introvert and lone-wolf type. Part of my goals for myself in 2022 has been to get out of my comfort zone and take more risks. Even though I don’t have a plan yet, I am putting this into the world. Because I do want to do something, just not sure what that something will look like yet. I think the easiest way to start is to feature female photographers on my blog. Create my own top insert number here lists. 

On my last search for female photographers in landscape photography, I came across In Focus Women. Their vision/mission is pretty much the same one I have. To support female landscape photographers. I immediately followed their Instagram and joined their Facebook group. I added their podcast to my playlist and started binging.

I want to do more to elevate women in these genres and this year I’m going to try.

Who are your favorite female photographers that are out shooting landscapes, nature, or wildlife? Drop them in the comments! Also, if you have any ideas for me to lift other women up let me know.

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Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.