We love to get in our truck and head out to the open road. Whether it’s a day trip or a week-long, road trips can be tons of fun but also are ripe for arguments and disaster. How can you best prepare for a road trip?

  1. Make a list. Or two.
    -Depending on your kind of road trip you may want a few different lists. Are you camping or hitting the resort? I always start with my clothes, toiletries, and electronics/camera equipment. I also make a food list and if camping a gear list.
  2. Start setting aside items you will want for your trip but don’t need in your everyday life.
    -We use our guest bed for these items. We will stack camping/hiking gear, water, and non-perishable food items in there.
  3. Double-check your lists.
    -The day or night before go over your list. Is there anything you need to add? Did you forget to write down toothpaste? Then as you assemble everything into bags or suitcase, cross it off the list. Double-check before you close the bag too! Anything I need to use once before I pack it like toiletries in the morning I set on the bathroom counter as I use them instead of back into the cabinet. It makes for easy use and pack!
  4. Check out your vehicle.
    -Is everything working correctly? Are any lights on? Do fluids need to be filled? How is the spare? Do you have jumper cables and an emergency kit in there?
  5. Clean out your car.
    -Toss all the garbage and take out all the stuff you’ve accumulated in the back seat. If you have time, vacuum and clean the windows. You’ll be more comfortable and have more room once all the unneeded stuff and garbage are gone.
  6. Make a car kit (or two).
    -Make sure you have easy access to things you may need often. You may want easy access to your toothbrush and toothpaste after meals. Or a quick snack while on the road. It’s also a good idea to have a first aid kit at the ready.
  7. Make a loose plan.
    -Where are you going? How will you get there? Roadtrippers is a great website for planning routes. Make any reservations you will need. Look up must-see spots on the way and/or at your destination. Don’t under or over plan. It’s best to have an idea and roll with the day.
  8. Stopping at multiple National Parks?
    -Grab an annual pass and don’t worry about entrance fees when you get there!
  9. Prep your phone.
    -You may have spots without service. Fill your phone with maps, music, and podcasts before you leave. You don’t want to find yourself in the middle of nowhere with no music and only the sound of your angry spouse saying “I told you you should have downloaded some music”. 😉
  10. Get gas before you need it!
    -You don’t want to find yourself out of gas and nowhere to get it. You also probably don’t want to walk 5-10 miles carrying a gas can either. Once you get to about half to a quarter of a tank left it’s always a good idea to start looking for a gas station. Plus you can take bathroom breaks or grab some must needed snacks! (And caffeine).


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.