Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed and unsure of your training goals?
That’s how I’m feeling lately. I keep changing my goals and can’t figure out the best training for me right now. I’m thinking about finding a coach. I’ve been using the adaptive Garmin Coaching, which is great for having everything planned and uploaded to your watch but isn’t the best for determining your goals.
And since it’s a computer algorithm, it doesn’t help you work through your feelings, issues, and goals.
I’ve been quite indecisive lately and keep changing my mind on goals. I want to get faster, but I want to run longer distances. I want to get better at trail running, but I keep running the same routes in my neighborhood because snakes. I chose the Garmin Coaching 10k plan because I thought that would help me build my speed, but my long runs aren’t very long. I also want to build strength. And lose fat.
See what I mean about being indecisive?
I don’t know if it’s the pandemic. It could very well be that I have no specific goal because there is nothing specific I’m training for. Yes, I’ve signed up for virtual runs, but I’ve been including them in my normal training. In the past, I’ve done virtual races and treated them as an actual race. I think maybe that is what I need to do. Plan a date for each virtual race (if it’s open-ended) and plan around those dates.

And maybe I need to pretend those virtual races are all trail races. I really love being out on the trails. I need to head out to them on my weekends. I know a few trails near me that aren’t very busy to help social distance. Trail running will make it difficult to do the Garmin Coaching, so I may have to end that. I love all the speed work and different workout it offers, so I may keep it for the weekday runs.
I’ve also discovered a race company, Aravaipa, that has been doing unique challenges. Most of them are things ultrarunners do, but they are making them doable for low milers like me. For example, in September they will do a run every street or trail. I’ve decided I will run every trail at my local park. I’ve planned the routes. It will require a few back to back longer runs, but I’m up for it! I kind of want to find more challenges I can do instead of races.
So summarizing, I still have no idea what to do. LOL Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope! How do you decide on your goals? What are you working towards right now?