I’m heading into taper time. The marathon is less than a week away. How am I getting ready?

Well, I’m making a list and checking it twice. I want to have everything set so all I have to do is get up, eat, and run. And run. And run some more.

  1. I need to finalize my route. I need about 10 more miles from the route I’ve been doing for long runs.
  2. Deciding on which clothes and shoes to wear. Gotta be comfy for 26+ miles!
  3. Picking out my fuel and freezing the gels the day before and prepping two waterbottles with Skratch.
  4. Slowing down. Like in life, not running. This week will be filled with short, easy runs and sitting my butt on the couch.
  5. Trying to shovel in more carbs. Although I probably eat more than enough already.
  6. Filing up my playlist with enough podcasts to get me through! I’ve got a list of a few new to me pods I want to start from the beggining!
  7. Oh yes, charging all the things.
  8. And finally… sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. If my dog lets me.

Have you run a marathon? How did you get ready for it?


Jenna Volden has a degree in business and has spent the last 10 plus years working for others. She believes it is time to start her own photography and writing business. She enjoys running, coffee and helping others achieve their goals. Gluten-free foods are a lifestyle, not a choice, for her due to celiac disease. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.