February is a great month to remind ourselves we need to practice self-care and love ourselves. I truly believe we can’t fully take care of others without taking care of ourselves first. Kind of like the airline reminder to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others.
But what does self-care look like?
Well, it’s gonna be different for everyone. What I need is going to be different from what you need. And what we need may change over time, even from week to week. Self-care can be broken down into several categories and the areas you want to focus on will change.
What are the different categories? And what are some things you can do within each category?
- Physical – take care of your body. Ask yourself do you need more sleep? Water? Are you eating enough?
- Social – take care of your relationships. Go to brunch with friends. Plan a date night.
- Mental – keep your mind engaged. Read a good book lately? Went to a museum?
- Spiritual – not necessarily religious but finding deeper meaning. Attend church service. Take time to meditate.
- Emotional – take time to acknowledge and/or express your feelings. Write in a journal. Make your art.
What else can be considered self-care?
Trying to get your spending under control? Take time to work on your budget. Maybe you want to relax a bit, put on a face mask, and lay in bed for 10-15 minutes. Maybe your clothes have taken over your bedroom and taking a few minutes each day to sort and organize is your self-care.
And lastly, be sure to add these self-care items to your planner or bujo! You don’t want to forget to make time for yourself. Make a standing appointment to do something little each day. For example, I journal every night at 8 pm. It’s in my planner and on my Google calendar. Then on Sundays, I mark a slot for self-care. I usually do something like take the dog for a leisurely walk, yoga, or a facemask. Things I don’t always do during the week because I don’t always have the time.

I realize there are many more things you can do for self-care. Let’s get a list going of everyone’s ideas! What self-care are you going to do this week? Drop it in the comments so we can all get new ways for taking care of ourselves!